Emote Wall

A Twitch Tool by RealityRipple Software

📥️Download Emote Wall v0.9.4
642 KB HTML File

Version 0.9.4 [Release Notes] rss
Released April 20, 2024
No Automatic Updates
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4,889 Downloads, 15,525 active users
104 this week
★★★★★ (130 votes)
Supports OBS Studio 28+
Compatible with Twitch, Kick, and YouTube.

🔍Source Code🔍⚖️ Public Domain

A home-made emote wall browser source overlay that simultaneously works with Twitch.TV, Kick, and YouTube Livestreams, supporting animated Twitch emotes, BetterTTV, FrankerFaceZ, 7TV, and Emoji (v15.0)! Kappagen command and event triggers are also available, with advanced configuration capabilities.
You may either use the configuration wizard or download the emote wall directly and make changes in your favorite text editor. The emote wall overlay supports a range of customized animation styles, as well as kappagens which can be triggered by a myriad of events, custom commands, or even channel point redeems.
A hacky method for supporting YouTube monetized channel emojis is available through ytEmojiDB. If you have a monetized channel and want your emojis to work for members, simply follow the instructions on the ytEmojiDB page.
To update the emote wall, you can use the wizard and import your old HTML file's preferences.
Due to limits on the EventSub API, many of the advanced permission features will only work with up to three separate instances of the Emote Wall. Whenever possible, please make references to existing instances of one Emote Wall in your Broadcasting software.

Used by These Streamers:

djzwenz1.8K followers tropangmunggo1.4K followers woonkey958 followers Ferazelz407 followers VomitVT578 followers JeeseJames1.9K followers intoxicatordk1.8K followers Trancespacer376 followers DjAcqua7.9K followers WeLoveThe90es10.4K followers

Briggbee and Friends72 subscribers FontiNovaplayZ83 subscribers MrSharkey153 subscribers Gustavson Illustration2.4K subscribers Smilez n Wigglez152 subscribers Trippno subscribers DJ Zebo249 subscribers Gnome Fire89 subscribers Wicked Waiata61 subscribers Cozy Potato56 subscribers


If you don't want to use the wizard, you can configure the Emote Wall manually.

There are instructions for configuring the Emote Wall available on GitHub. Please read them carefully before using. An OAuth2 Refresh Token is required. You may manually enter a token or log in through your Broadcasting software with the "interact" feature (right-click on the Emote Wall browser layer, near the bottom).

Need an OAuth Token?
Twitch 🗝️Authenticate
on Twitch

YouTube 📺Authenticate
on YouTube

for Livestreams
Streamlabs Streamlabs Tip Support

for Donations and Pledges
StreamElements 🚀 StreamElements Tip Support

for Donations


Sep 5 2023, 7:49 PM
 Just a reminder, anyone on v0.7.2 or older: the old Twitch follow API call used by versions before 0.7.3 will be shutting down on the 12th - please update your emote wall before then.
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Sep 10 2023, 1:02 AM
 You may also need to re-authorize with a new token with the new Followers scope - if you don't have the "moderator:read:followers" scope, your Emote Wall may completely fail to work, even on the latest version.
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Jul 4 2023, 2:22 AM
 Made a single-character typo that really messed up some things. If you used the wizard to grab before this comment's timestamp, you may want to get another copy, just in case.
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Mar 7 2023, 1:02 AM
 Twitch is in the middle of pushing up the Release version of EventSub, which is in charge for detecting things like follows and hype-trains. Unfortunately, I tried to be forward compatible by supporting the working BETA and the future Release versions, and it backfired, resulting in the Emote Wall being temporarily broken while Twitch rolls out the Release version. With any luck, this issue will resolve itself in a matter of days. If you need a quick fix, please check the Discord.
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