Mouse Manager Release Notes

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In the Next Version

v2.6🕤 Unreleased

Current Version

v2.5🕙 September 15, 2022
  +New system for button handling and key sending, which should be more efficient.

Previous Versions

v2.2🕥 July 9, 2022
  *Changed key press timing. This may improve some key detection by applications and hopefully prevent a locked button state.
  *Changed some internal profile storage code to improve responsiveness.

v2.1🕚 January 8, 2022
  *Improved button mashing support.
  *Improved key entry capture.

v2.0🕦 December 3, 2020
  +Added Operating System controlled repeat timing.
  *Fixed issues when pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously.

v1.6🕛 June 14, 2018
  +Added internal code signing integrity check.
  #Changed HTTP hyperlinks to HTTPS for Windows 7 and above.
  -Removed context menus from Mouse Button 4 and 5 textboxes.

v1.5🕧 January 18, 2018
  *Fixed error caused by registry code.
  +Added "Advanced" details with link.

v1.4🕐 January 6, 2018
  +Added focus-when-running feature when the program is opened again while still running, so Mouse Manager won't stay hidden and seem confusing.
  +Added enabled state to Remove button, preventing a crash.
  +Added uninstall command to clean up configuration and close the program during Uninstall.
  *Improved Save button enabled state verification.
  #Cleaned up a lot of code, using the same functionality as Advanced Mouse Manager.
  #Changed Extra Button 1 and Extra Button 2 to Mouse Button 4 and Mouse Button 5 respectively.

v1.3.0🕜 April 29, 2015
  +Added "Disabled" option for individual buttons.
  *Prevented button default actions from happening when active.
  -Disabled button hook when Mouse Manager is shown to speed up interface.

v1.2.0🕑 May 16, 2014
  *Fixed enabled state save bug.
  #Moved Registry save locations to not be version sensitive.
  #Changed Profile names in Registry.
  #Moved Donate button to About page.

v1.1.0🕝 March 29, 2014
  +Added Donation button.
  +Added disabled Save button when already saved.
  +Added hop to Profiles tab when trying to check Enable Mouse Manager while no profiles exist.
  #Improved Link Label in About tab.
  #Changed tray menu to native theme.

v1.0.3🕒 Semptember 2, 2011
  +Added support for the Alt key.

v1.0.1🕞 December 24, 2010
  *Fixed a few more bugs.

v1.0.0🕓 July 30, 2010
  /First release.

v0.0.5🕟 July 2, 2010
  +New key detection methodology.

v0.0.2🕔 June 22, 2010
  *Bug fixes.

v0.0.1🕠 June 21, 2010
  /First build.

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